1. Introduction
This Complaints Handling Procedure is designed to ensure that Sensand complies with our needs to have an effective complaint handling procedure that aligns with the ACI Code of Conduct. This procedure outlines the steps to be followed when handling customer complaints to ensure effective resolution and customer satisfaction.
2. Definitions
- The Code: The Australian Carbon Industry Code of Conduct to which Sensand is a signatory to and has obligations under.
- Complaint: An expression of dissatisfaction by a customer regarding the organisation's products, services, or the complaint handling process itself.
- Complaints Handler: The individual or team responsible for receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints.
- Complainant: The person or organisation making the complaint.
3. Complaints Management Principles
Sensand is committed to adhering to the following principles when handling complaints:
- Accessibility: Providing accessible and user-friendly complaint handling processes.
- Responsiveness: Promptly acknowledging and addressing complaints.
- Objectivity and fairness: Treating complainants impartially and without bias.
- Confidentiality: Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of complainants.
- Accountability: Taking ownership of complaints and ensuring they are effectively addressed.
- Continuous improvement: Using complaints as opportunities to identify areas for improvement.
4. Complaint Submission
Customers can submit their complaints to Sensand through the following channels:
- Email: complaints@sensand.com
- Online: Using the Contact Us form at sensand.com
5. Complaint Registration and Acknowledgement
Upon receiving a complaint, the Complaints Handler will:
- Record the complaint in a central complaint register/database on a CRM platform.
- Assign a unique complaint reference number.
- Send an acknowledgment to the complainant, confirming receipt of the complaint and providing the reference number.
- Specify the expected timeframe for resolution.
6. Complaint Investigation and Resolution
The Complaints Handler will:
- Assign the complaint to an appropriate individual or team for investigation.
- Gather all necessary information and evidence related to the complaint.
- Conduct a thorough and unbiased investigation.
- Communicate with the complainant, if required, to seek additional details or clarification.
- Aim to resolve the complaint promptly and in accordance with the organization's policies and procedures.
- Maintain records of all actions taken during the investigation process.
- Within 21 days of receipt of the complaint, provide the complainant with feedback on the outcome.
- If additional time is required, Sensand will inform both the complainant and the Code administrator of this requirement.
- Sensand will inform and provide the details for the Code Administrator’s Client Complaint Form to the complainant in the event they are not satisfied with the outcome.
- Complaint investigations and responses to complainant will not be any longer than 45 days after the original complaint.
7. Complaint Resolution Notification
Once the complaint is resolved, the Complaints Handler will:
- Inform the complainant of the resolution, including any actions taken.
- Provide a written response outlining the findings, decisions made, and any remedial actions, if applicable.
- Offer appropriate remedies, such as refunds, replacements, or apologies, as deemed necessary.
- Provide details of escalation options if the complainant remains dissatisfied.
8. Escalation and Review
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution, they may request escalation of the complaint. Sensand will inform and provide the details for the Code Administrator’s Client Complaint Form to the complainant in the event they are not satisfied with the outcome.
9. Monitoring and Reporting
Sensand will monitor and analyse complaint data regularly to identify recurring issues and areas for improvement. Complaint statistics, including the number, nature, and resolution of complaints, should be documented, and reported to management for review.
10. Employee Training and Awareness
All employees should be aware of our Complaints Handling Procedure and Policies.
11. Documentation and Records
Sensand will maintain comprehensive records of all complaints, including their nature, investigation, resolution, and any actions taken. These records should be securely stored and accessible only to authorized personnel.
In the event of any complaint against Sensand, Sensand will inform the Code Administrator within 10 business days by completing the Signatory Self-Reporting Form.